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BTS Accounting and management

Graduate degree

The HNC in Accounting and Management is a graduate degree that gives in-depth skills in accounting technique and business management.
The holder of this diploma works in accounting, commercial, industrial firms, in banks, insurance companies, administrations, management centres or various organisations…
He must have a good grasp of current IT tools and must update his knowlege in legal, economic, social, financial and tax fields, using monitoring tools.


Internship requirements for a bts accounting and management

For the student

  • To discover the company, its economic, legal, managing and technological environment, and understand how the firm functions.
  • To discover the different available positions in accounting and management within a company.
  • To perform management and accounting activities using specialized softwares thanks to the tutor’s help.
  • To keep updated, observe, question in order to gather all the necessary elements to achieve the tasks they would be given and prepare the record of their work placement.

For the company

  • To welcome the student within the company, make them feel part of the working team and be a strong asset in their tasks.
  • To make sure the student is fully integrated, makes their best and gets involved in the different given tasks.
  • To make sure that they are properly trained.
  • To adapt the students’ activities to their level and the expected objectives of the internship
  • To facilitate an access to professional information   
  • To get them in touch with the « job », its requirements, its purpose in a practical manner

For the school

  • To get both a succinct presentation and a description of the tasks the student would have accomplished during the 6 weeks internship.
  • To ensure, through a visit within the company and during which the teacher will compulsorily meet : the tutor, the student, the student adapts properly

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Titulaire d’un bac STMG spécialité Ressources Humaines et Communication, je me suis orientée vers le BTS Assistant de Gestion PME – PMI (devenu BTS Gestion de la PME) pour sa polyvalence. Je recommande le BTS Assistant de Gestion à tous ceux qui hésitent entre plusieurs voies. En effet, ce BTS nous offre l’opportunité de pouvoir s’orienter dans le domaine commercial, administratif mais également dans le milieu des ressources humaines et de la paie. J’ai particulièrement apprécié les deux périodes de stage de cette formation. En effet, j’ai pu mettre en pratique les notions théoriques apprises en cours. De plus, grâce à la durée totale du stage soit 12 semaines réparties sur les 2 années, j’ai réellement découvert le milieu professionnel. Les cours de ressources humaines proposés par ce BTS m’ont permis aujourd’hui d’intégrer la licence Gestion du Personnel et de la Paie au sein de l’IUT de Quimper. Je réalise cette licence en formation initiale et je bénéficie ainsi de 14 semaines de stage dans un cabinet d’expertise comptable.

Audrey, licence professionnelle Gestion du Personnel et de la Paie